Hello and welcome,
If this is your first visit, we invite you to consult the Frequently Asked Questions. Before you can post a question, express a subject, ... you must register on the site. To view the messages, select the forum you want to visit from the list below. The Forums are separate from two languages (French and English). In these forums there are topics that you will be interested in or maybe you will express your own.
Quick instructions for creating a note:
At the top right, click on the "Login or Register" area
If necessary, create an account (a validation will be carried out by the administration of the Forum so that you can benefit from the tools of the forum to dialogue).
Once the account is validated / your session activated, click on the link "of a Forum that interests you" in order to obtain a list of directories (sections) (do not hesitate to consult the FAQ in case of question) .
Choose the most appropriate section to post your question if you have a question, or a subject to send or answer a targeted question from a member (If necessary, see the FAQ).
Finally, click on the New Topic button that appears at the top or bottom (of a current targeted topic) on the left, before the list of different existing topics.
The FORUM MSOF is completely free, intended for your questions, your dialogues with registered members, to exchange information, images or other .... It is the Forum Mon Sud Ouest France

Note: You also have the possibility of creating blogs, and posts to share your illustrated subjects, for this, you have to go through square one, subscribe to the Forum (see above). Have fun ^^
Sincerely, and good luck: the Forum team.