Learn to use the BBcode
This tutorial gives you explanations to integrate BBcode code in your message text:
Formatting text with BBcode
This Forum has a small form to help users format a post. It looks like this every time you want to write a message:

You may have noticed, it is divided into several parts. At the very top you have the buttons to format your message the way you want. Just at the top and on the right, there is the list of smileys that you can insert in your messages.
Text effect tags ... Bold and italics ...
To put in bold you must use the following icon: bold. This icon causes the following code to appear on the form:
Code: Select all
[b] Bold text [/b]
Bold text
To put in italics you must use the following icon: italic.
This icon causes the following code to appear on the form:
Code: Select all
[i] Text in italics [/i]
Text in italics
To underline a text, use the following icon: underline.
This icon causes the following code to appear on the form:
Code: Select all
[u] Underlined text [/u]
Underlined text
Tags to add elements
Add link
To add a link, use the following icon: Insert a URL.
This icon causes the following code to appear on the form:
Code: Select all
[url] https://monsudouestfrance.com [/url]
However with the code above you can only use internet addresses. For personalized the text included in the link you must use the code like this:
Code: Select all
[url=https://www.monsudouestfrance.com] Site monsudouestfrance [/url]
Site monsudouestfrance
Add image
To add a link, use the following icon: Add a photo.
This icon causes the following code to appear on the form:
Code: Select all
[img]https://monsudouestfrance.com/images/boutonInsertImage.png [/img]

Bulleted list tags
Ordinary list
To add an ordinary list, use the following icon: list.
This icon causes the following code to appear in the same form as the code below:
Code: Select all
[list] list [/list]
Code: Select all
[list] lists [/list]
- list
- lists
To add a main title, use the following icon: ordered list.
This BBcode shows the following code on the form:
Code: Select all
[list=1][*] bullet number 1 [list=2][*] bullet number 2 [list=3][*] bullet number 3 [/list]
- bullet number 1
- bullet number 2
- bullet number 3
Here are the explanations of the BBcode language, good editing, good dialogue to all;)
- bullet number 2